A 5-Day Club is a high-energy gathering of children and adult volunteers who meet together for five consecutive days, normally during the summer after school is on break for the year. These daily gatherings usually last about a hour and a half. The setting is similar to other “backyard Bible clubs.” The main difference is that CEF partners with your church or Sunday school class to organize and train the volunteer workers for the event.
So, what goes on during a 5-Day Club? You will present Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary stories, fun songs, and life-changing Scripture memorization. CEF provides the materials and appropriate training. You get a huge blessing and potentially impact the lives of children for all of eternity!
Hosting opportunities are currently limited. If you are interested in hosting a club at your home, daycare, or other facility you have access to, contact our office to discuss availability of our CYIA summer missionaries.
But you don’t have to host a club to be involved in 5-Day Club! You can pray for 5-Day Clubs, the children, and the summer CYIA missionaries teaching. You can also volunteer to drive a ministry team to 5-Day Club locations. Contact our office to learn more.Quick Start
Click here to go to our contact form to send us a question about how to put on a 5-Day Club.
to get even more information at the CEF national website
Please come back to our site to make local inquiries.