Equipping teachers to reach children
Teacher training has been central to CEF’s ministry to children from the very beginning. Volunteers receive high-quality training in preparation for Good News Club® or other outreaches. But our training isn’t limited to just CEF® volunteers. A variety of resources are available to help strengthen children’s ministry in your church, including in-person equipping sessions with your church, online training through Children’s Ministry Institute, and on-demand videos through Sunday School Solutions.

Online training & Demos
To access free online training and curriculum demonstrations, you will need to create a free user account with Children’s Ministry Institute Online (CEF’s education department). Creating a user account is a simple process that allows you to keep track of your progress as well as learn about the range of CEF training available, both free and fee-based.
- Sign in to your account
- Choose "Courses" Sample of free offerings:
- Song Demos
- Bible Lesson Demos
- The Wordless Book Training
- Click on "Take this Course"
Sunday School Solutions
Sunday School Solutions are quick 2-3 minute videos on various subjects to help you as a children’s worker. Whether you are a Sunday School teacher, a VBS group leader, an after-school Good News Club volunteer, or involved in any other aspect of children’s ministry, we are here to help inspire you and give you tools to strengthen your teaching.